PCA Zone 5 Rep Notes – June 2020 hcrpca July 5, 2020

PCA Zone 5 Rep Notes – June 2020

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Chuck Bush
PCA Zone 5 Representative
Monthly Note – June, 2020
I hope you all are doing healthy, safe and enjoying your Porsches.  Another month of COVID-19 disruptions, and unfortunately we seem to be worse off than we were last month with total numbers of cases rising.  Our regions have done a great job of modifying their activities to meet local requirements, and keep our members safe. Please help them by by following local guidelines and staying home if you have been exposed or are not feeling well.
Despite the disruptions, you should be seeing a slow restart of regional events.  Concours, DE’s, drives and online events are all starting to happen with more frequency.  I hope you get the opportunity to participate.  In our Zone, registration has opened up on clubregistration for Boxstoberfest which is a multi day event 11-13 Sept in Fredericksburg, TX.   Check with your Region- there are a lot of activities starting to pop up on the calendar.
Just as our local regions have been affected by the COVID-19, so has our national organization.  I attended the PCA Summer board meeting in June, and am happy to report that overall, the club is doing well and managing the COVID crisis as best they can. Thanks to the hard work of the national staff, membership is remaining stable and we have avoided large losses resulting from cancelling Parade, the Spring Treffen and other national level events.  Our club remains strong, and is looking forward to the time when we can fully reopen.
Speaking of Treffen’s and Parades, I received information on upcoming national events.  The Fall 2020 Treffen to the Greenbriar is still a go for 16-19 Sep.  Registration for this fabulous event opens 15 July at 3PM EDT (2 PM CDT).  Sign up exactly when it opens if you want to get a spot.
If you are not ready to travel or can’t make this Fall, upcoming Treffen’s have been announced:
Spring 2021  JW Marriott Camel Back Resort, Scottsdale, AZ  5-8 May
Fall 2021    American Club Kohler, Wisconsin  Oct 13-16
Spring 2022  Broadmoor Hotel, Colorado Springs
The other major event announced was 2021 Parade.  This will be held in French Lick, IN  11-17 July.  This Parade will be the closest Parade to our region in a while, and I hope you will consider attending.  It is a fabulous location, and will be a really fun event.
One of the ways we continue to engage with each other is through social media.  It is a great way to share club information, and all the great times we have with our Porsches and Porsche friends.  I participated in a recent Webinar put on for your region social media chairs.  There are so many great things being shared on social media, but we also need to be careful of what is on our websites. Things like accident photos, autocross and DE pictures which include license plates, or any high risk activities can come back to bite our members.  If you see those kinds of things on your site, help protect our members by notifying a moderator so they can be removed.
I know the Covid numbers are not looking good right now, but hopefully we are soon headed in the right direction.  Our regions have modified how they are conducting events, and I have been to a number of safe and fun events recently, and hope you are able to participate also.  As you are waiting for more events to resume, check out the content on PCA.org and the PCAHQ YouTube website.  Lots of interesting content in there about Porsches and PCA.
Be Safe!!
Chuck Bush
Zone 5

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