Charitable Event – Build a ramp
April 26 @ 8:00 am - 2:00 pm CDT

Come join your fellow HCR members on Saturday, April 26 as we support our charity The Texas Ramp Project.
Our build location will be determined closer to the date but will very likely be in Travis County. The project is expected to take 4 – 6 hours beginning at 8am. Coffee and donuts will be on hand to help kick things off and bottled water will be available as well. Lunch will also be provided.
The charity organizer gives us flexibility on our arrival time. Those that can arrive by 8am, please do so. However, if you have a long way to travel, you can target arrival by 9am.
There will be a build captain that visits the site ahead of time, takes measurements and has ramp sections built in advance. We come in on the day and assemble the sections into a complete ramp. In addition to tying the sections together, we’ll add wheelchair guides, uprights for handrails and the handrails. The build captain will be with us full time to make sure all goes well.
Those of you that joined us in the past know that although it was very minimal, there could be a little digging to level the final section.
You don’t need to bring anything with you, but if you want to bring a cordless screwdriver / drill and carpenter’s tool belt you certainly can. The charity organizer will provide a power tool for everyone that doesn’t bring one. If you are bringing a cordless screwdriver / drill let us know. All the ramp connections are made with screws by the way.
A good crew size for a typical ramp is about 15 so we’re looking for up to 20 volunteers allowing for last minute cancellations. No experience required!! Come join us on April 26.
No fees, no waivers required for this event.
We’ll send out the build site location as soon as we have it.
Sign-up on ClubRegistration will open for registration on March 17.