Happy Hour North
Garbo's 12709 N Mopac Expy,, AustinGarbo's 12709 N Mopac Expy, Austin, TX 78727 Please let if you can attend. RSVP isn't necessary but gives me an estimate on attendees. Gregory.Harrington.HCR@gmail.com or text at 512.799.0093
Garbo's 12709 N Mopac Expy, Austin, TX 78727 Please let if you can attend. RSVP isn't necessary but gives me an estimate on attendees. Gregory.Harrington.HCR@gmail.com or text at 512.799.0093
We’re going to continue our tour of Manchaca Road by going just a few feet down from July’s location. Lustre Pearl is an Austin favorite. It has a full bar and food trucks. As last time, please RSVP to make it easy to communicate changes and get an idea of headcount: http://evite.me/As3W1a2x4Q.
We are heading down south and west to end up at the very cool Alamo Springs Cafe for lunch. Later, we will head to Burg’s Corner for desert and anything “peach” you can imagine is there. Registration is now open. Click HERE.
Maverick Region is one of our co-sponsors for our Circuit of the Americas “Schnell Fest” HPDE events. If you'd like more time behind the wheel, and want to experience another track, check out Maverick's HPDE's. These HPDE's will be held at Eagles Canyon Raceway - a Private, World-Class FIA Spec 2.7 Mile Road Course with […]
Julian Avent, HCR member and owner of Werks11, 201 FM 1237 Troy TX 76579 hosts Cars and Coffee from 9:00 AM – 1:00 PM. www.werks11.com. This is an increasingly popular Saturday opportunity to meet HCR members and other Porsche owners for informal conversation and a chance to ogle the cars in the Werks11 shop.
Let's Get Together – a very informal "come as you are" gathering on the 1st Sunday of each month. This is a great opportunity to chat with your fellow Porsche enthusiasts, while showing off your own Porsche beauty! Swing by at your leisure - no reservation needed. Rudy’s management has asked that we park in […]
Z’Tejas, a long time Austin food tradition, has recently opened a new location in Avery Ranch. We will sit out on their large covered patio. There are overhead fans and misters to keep us cool should the current hot weather continue. As an added bonus, they serve breakfast/brunch dishes until noon, so you will be […]
By popular demand and because we love our HCR Members South, we will be breaking bread in South Austin at Easy Tiger Bake Shop & Beer Garden on South Lamar Blvd. Described as "SoLa’s little hidden gem with a neighborhood bakery, greenbelt views from the deck and even a park for the Little Tigers", it is sure to become […]