PCA Zone 5 Rep Notes – April 2020 hcrpca April 27, 2020

PCA Zone 5 Rep Notes – April 2020

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Chuck Bush
PCA Zone 5 Representative
Monthly Note – April 26, 2020
Wow- it has been a crazy month.  Hope you and your families are well.  I hope you have seen the notes from PCA about PCA’s response to the Covid-19 crisis, and the cancellation of National events.  It is good that folks are making the best of things with Sim racing, and virtual events.
There is a lot of activity on social media as folks try to maintain their close relationships with their fellow PCA members.  As the crisis situation appears to be improving folks are looking forward to getting out. If you are using social media to coordinate drives and such, please be clear it it is not a PCA drive with PCA insurance.  If you want to set up a PCA drive, make sure you are clear about how you are meeting all state and local guidelines on COVID-19 or your insurance request will not be approved.
I am optimistic that we will begin to safely run some events by June.  Outdoor events such as drives, concours and autocrosses should be good options with appropriate safety measures.  The national DE chair and committee are looking at ways to resume doing DE events in a compliant manner.
As we start to get to a new normal, please be cognizant of the image you are presenting for PCA.  We don’t want to look like we are flaunting local and state guidelines as well as putting our members at risk.  Continue your great work supporting our communities in these difficult times, and stay engaged with your PCA friends.
I hope to see you on the road in the near future.
Chuck Bush
Zone 5 Representative

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