SPECIAL Member Update: 10/21/21

NEW and UPDATE events are highlighted below. 


Yes, we have returned from our “Mummy” excursion, and it was fabulous!! Here’s a special announcement on forthcoming Happy Hours.


REMINDER: To locate events, details, and registration information, please go to our HCR Calendar and you can find these events there with additional information, event coordinator contacts, and registration links.




I’m please to announce we now have event coordinators to hold both a North Happy Hour and a South Happy Hour! Each will be held on the same date each month, and it’s the 4th Thursday of the month. Members are free to choose either Happy Hour to attend.


That being said, we will hold the October Happy Hours on Thursday, October 28 from 5:30pm – 7:00pm. Put that date and time on your calendar. 


Here’s the details for October 28th Happy Hours:


South: Bouldin Acres, 2027 S. Lamar Blvd, Austin, TX 78704


North: Hank’s, 5811 Berkman Dr., Austin, TX 78723


Plenty of free parking for your P-Cars and Happy Hour prices.


We will have to skip November and December, because the 4th Thursday falls on Holidays in those two months. We will continue our Happy Hours in January, 2022.


Now that we have a full lineup of monthly social events, here’s our regular schedule each month:


1st Wed:         Ladies Lunch, 11:30am – whenever (Michelle Freudenberger)


1st Sat:            Porsches & Coffee @ Werks 11, 9:00am – 1:00pm (Tuffy von Briesen)


2nd Thur:         Lunch Bunch, 11:30am – 12:30pm (Bob Hieronymus)


3rd Thur:         Brewery Afternoons, hours TBA (Greg Lee)


4th Thur:         Happy Hour North, 5:30pm – 7:30pm (Greg Harrington) 

                       Happy Hour South, 5:30pm – 7:30pm (David Schnepp)



Our objective continues to be to keep our membership up to date on what is going on in HCR, as well as PCA nationally. Please remember, our goal is to deliver events where members can choose their level of participation. We will continue to stress safe and fun events!  


If any questions or comments, please let me know.  


Charlie Sparks

President – Hill Country Region

Porsche Club of America




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