Weekly Update – 10-25-2020 hcrpca October 25, 2020

Weekly Update – 10-25-2020

Good evening.  Hope all is well with you.  This pandemic just doesn’t want to go away.  Looks like we may be on our second wave.  Keep up your efforts to stay safe so we can put this behind us.  Let’s keep up the good work and look forward to the day we can all get together in person.  

All of HCR sends their condolences to VP Charlie Sparks.  Charlie’s Dad passed last night after a brief battle with cancer.  We’ll provide more information as it becomes available. 


We are in the process of revising our bylaws.  We look at them every 3 – 5 years.  The primary revisions will be for the term limits for the HCR elected officers and changing the make up the Standing Committees.  Per our existing bylaws, the process is review by the Executive Council and review by the Board of Directors. After those reviews, the draft is submitted to membership for their review.  After the membership, reviews the final draft is submitted to the membership for approval.  We anticipate submitting the draft to the membership about the second week of November.  Then submission for approval by the end of November.  If we hold to this schedule and the new bylaws are approved by the membership, they will take effect January 1, 2021. 


Thanks to all of you who participated in our Fall Rally.  Tom’s directions were challenging but everyone managed to end up at the right place.   Congratulations to the winners.  And thanks again to Rally Master Tom Thompson.  This probably was his last event before he retires to Montenegro or Slovenia.  Tom, I think I’m jealous.   


Porsche Austin (PA) and HCR are hosting a joint Zoom presentation by PA Management on November 12 at 7:00 PM.  They’ll provide details about their “almost” completed new facility at the Arboretum (TX 360 and US 183) and details about their plans for another new facility in South Austin.  We’ll meet Eli Mendoza, the new PA Customer Experience Manager.  Eli will be reporting “live” from a Porsche Performance Drive event at the Thermal Club in Palm Springs, CA.

We’ll provide more information and registration details soon.  If you have any questions, you can contact Jeff Moore, HCR Dealer Liaison Coordinator at dealerliaison@hcrpca.org


Our next DSS is Tuesday November 17 at 7:00 PM.   Our DSS Team of Gordie Robbins, Carl Rossi and Lenny Zwik has done a great job of setting up another interesting presentation.  The next DSS will focus on Kelly Blue Book (KBB) and features two experts from Cox Automotive with over 60 combined years of experience in the automotive industry.  KBB is a subsidiary of Cox.     

AJ Schoonover is the Senior Director of Data Operation and will educate us on the methodology that KBB uses to determine the value of our Porsches (and other vehicles), and which factors influence their value.

Matt DeLorenzo is the Senior Managing Editor for KBB and Autotrader and will discuss current and future trends in the automotive Industry with emphasis on the trends that affect our Porsches. 

As usual, AJ and Matt will answer questions from our members.  You can submit questions in advance after you register to Lenny Zwik at lzwik@austin.rr.com.  Or alternatively you can submit questions during the webinar.

Webinar registration is now open at https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_-C3XTI15S7iekdJjPymZNA   Please register soon as we are inviting members from other Regions in Zone 5 to join us. 

 If you were able to attend our most recent DSS featuring T.J. Campbell from Tire Rack, I hope you were as impressed with his knowledge and presentation as I was.  The feedback from those who attended was overwhelmingly positive.  If you missed it and are interested in seeing it, HCR has obtained permission from Tire Rack to share the video with all PCA members.   It can be viewed here on our website => https://www.hcrpca.org/envira/distinguished-speaker-series/

If you know of anyone from another Region, Zone 5, or PCA National who would enjoy the video, Gordie Robbins, our DSS Coordinator can arrange to download if off his Google drive. 


David Gross, Schnell Fest HPDE Chair and Tim Strehl, Schnell Fest HPDE Manager area announcing a special offer for those interested in driving in our upcoming October and November Fall Duo Schnell Fests. 

Registration for the October 30-31 event will close at 12:00 PM Monday October 26th.  All drivers who register and pay for both of the “Fall Duo” events prior to Noon on Monday October 26th will receive a $150 discount on the combined registrations for those two HPDE events.  For more information and to register go to: https://austinschnellfest.clubregistration.net/index.cfm  Act NOW to secure your $150 discount!

For questions about registration contact David Gross at dgross@grossandnelson.com.  You can also ask David about coaching available during Schnell Fest. 

Looking forward to seeing you at COTA in October and November. 


Save the date.  On February 20, 2021, HCR will host our first autocross in quite some time at Travis County Expo Center. Yes, it’s a little rough but they say they will do some clean up.  As the date approaches, we’ll provide more information.

We have formed an Autocross Committee.  The Chair is Alfred Freudenberger and Assistant Chair is Scott Whitman.  Both have extensive AX experience, and both are excited to get this program off the ground.  We need a couple of more members to assist with admin work.  If you are interested, please let me know.

For those of you who need an AX fix now, here are some AX opportunities.   

Maverick Region Autocross Challenge Cup #10, Saturday November 8 from 8:00 AM – 4:00 PM at Lone Star Park, 1000 Lonestar Parkway, Grand Prairie, TX.  The cost is 35.00 for PCA members.  To register go to https://axwaresystems.com/axorm/calendar_main.php?viewevent=13397&selectclubid=31&curmonthindex=12&curyearindex=13

Lone Star Region Autocross #6, Saturday November 8 from 8:00 AM – 3:00 PM at the Houston Police Academy, 17000, Aldine Westfield Road, Houston, TX.  To register go to https://clubregistration.net/events/event-details.cfm?event_id=10371

SPOKES Autocross #11 is Sunday Nov 22nd at Circuit of the Americas, Lot H, 9201 Circuit of the Americas Blvd, Austin, TX 78617.  For more information and to register go to https://axwaresystems.com/axorm/calendar_main.php…  There is an 80 person entry cap on this event. 


Tourmaster Chris McChesney says we’ll have another one of his eclectic tours through the Hill Country on Saturday November 21.  We’ll drive some of the great roads through the Hill Country west of Austin and end this in Blanco.  A great opportunity to get out with your fellow HCR members.  And as usual, we adhere to all State, County, City and PCA COVID – 19 guidelines. 

 Registration is now open at www.clubregistration.net.  Remember that when you register you need to eSign both the Communicable Disease Waiver and the Event Liability Waiver.  And every person must register.  If you have a passenger that passenger must register and eSign the waivers as well.  If you have any questions let me know. 


We are planning our last tech session of the year at GT International, 611 E. Braker Lane, Austin.  This will be a short session followed by a drive to the Rough Hollow Marina where we’ll have lunch.  GT International owner Justin Crawford has arranged with the restaurant to accommodate our group in accordance with existing COVID – 19 guidelines.  We’ll provide more information in upcoming emails.  This event is subject to modification based on COVID – 19 guidelines. 


Perfourmance News is a FREE monthly email newsletter offered by PCA specifically for four-door Porsche enthusiasts interested in the latest news and information about Panamera, Taycan, Macan and Cayenne.  If you opt into this opportunity, you’ll receive an emailed newsletter the third Monday of each month with stories, photos, and videos from PCA and automotive websites across the globe. 

 Follow this link to opt in for the Perfourmance News monthly newsletter. 


We want to urge you not to forget We Are Blood.  The pandemic is still with us and they need blood and plasma.  Especially if you became infected and recovered.  If you’re looking for a way to make a difference during the pandemic, consider making an appointment at https://weareblood.org to donate blood.  If you choose to donate, give them the group code of D103 or indicate that you are donating on behalf of “Hill Country Region Porsche Club of America.”


All of us have a common bond forged by our great group of members and our Porsches.  I know many other Regions recognize that bond by flashing headlights when we pass one another on the road.  Let’s try to make that SOP for HCR members.  Flash those lights.

Thanks again to all of you that appreciate the weekly email.  Our goal continues to be to keep our membership up to date on what is going on in HCR and PCA nationally.  And not just from the perspective of the coronavirus.  Please remember, your safety and security are our number one priority. 
We urge you to follow Federal, State, County and Local guidelines for mitigating the spread of the virus.  Stay safe out there.  Talk to one another.  We all need to stick together during these trying times.
 Any questions or comments, please let me know. 
Tuffy von Briesen
President – Hill Country Region
Porsche Club of America
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