Kelly Zimmerman

We met new member Kelly Zimmerman at the Macan launch event at Porsche Austin, where she told us about her recently acquired 2018 Boxster GTS in GT Silver.

When did you become a PCA member?

I joined PCA in January this year, the day after taking delivery of my ‘new to me’ Boxster GTS.

How long have you lived in the Austin area, and what brought you here?

I moved to Austin in 2015 from Madison, WI. I will admit I didn’t move for any other reason besides the fact that one winter, it got so cold my Saab’s tires froze to the pavement. It was time to move to a more tolerable climate with conditions where I could pursue my hobbies year-round. I was fortunate to be working remotely at that time and started traveling across the US to see which cities I could envision myself in. With Austin’s greenspace and overall outdoor-friendly lifestyle, it won!

How did you become interested in the Porsche brand, and what do you love most about Porsche?

KZ: I come from a family of ‘gear-heads’ and grew up going to the Chicago Auto Show every year. As a family, we joke about how much simpler and more cost-effective life would be if we could view cars as a vehicle to get from point A to point B. But then, what would be the fun in that? There have been long debates about each individual’s dream car for more hours than seems humanly possible. But they’ve known I’ve been smitten with Porsche for what seems like forever.

I’ve also had really stellar experiences around Porsche owners who have entertained my many questions and shared their experiences as Porsche owners, and even a few that insisted I take their cars around the block for the full experience. (Shoutout to Ralph Maddalena in the Houston PCA group)

With so much to love about Porsche, it’s hard to narrow down one thing I love most, so I’ll cheat and say a few things. The cars themselves, the celebration of the sport of driving, and the camaraderie between owners. I’ve been greeted with smiles and waves out on the roads by other Porsche owners, and it’s been an incredibly welcoming community.

Please tell us about the history of your Boxster.  How did you acquire it, and what drew you to this particular car?

KZ: I found my Boxster on a Tuesday in my daily peruse of AutoTrader while drinking my morning coffee. Of all places, the car was located at a Ford dealership in Colorado Springs. ‘One person’s trade-in is another person’s treasure,’ I thought to myself. To say I love the thrill of the search is an understatement. With supply what it was, I had a nationwide search going since late 2019. During this time, I went back and forth between a few different models. Mostly I was trying to decide whether or not to be rational (think Macan or Cayenne) or get something slightly impractical that would make my heart sing. Clearly, we see which side won out. 

I also considered building (ideally a Spyder or GT4) but had faith that if I could just be patient, I would be able to find a fairly low mileage option and not have to go through the allocation and waiting process. And yes, I realize that if I would have just ordered in 2019, that would have been faster, but hindsight is 20/20.

Back to the car. The photos in the ad were blurry, and I got a quick video before buying it sight unseen. The car was spec’d to 99% of how I would have built it had I gone that route. I had always drooled when I saw GT silver, and I was open to a Boxster S or GTS, but the sport chrono package was non-negotiable. I could see it had the silver stitching, silver seatbelts, a leather steering wheel, and of course, all of the glorious options that come standard with the GTS trim.

I ended up getting lucky as I started realizing additional options once it arrived – full PPF and the oh-so-fun fire extinguisher option. I also need to give high praise to the transport company – Steve Wells at New World Auto Transport – as the experience working with them was stellar.

The car arrived in great condition except for the windshield, which was pitted. My best guess was this was from daily driving on salty highways. Out of everything that could have gone wrong in this situation, this seemed darn lucky. I had a great experience with Kyle Welter at Porsche Austin as they replaced the windshield, and I was well on my way to adventures.

What do you enjoy most about your Boxster, and what makes it unique or special? 

KZ: Well, I named it shortly after its arrival. I’m quite fond of the GT silver and black/chalk interior package, so naturally, she is affectionately nicknamed ‘Sterling’. I’d like to eventually track down the previous owner and thank them for their exquisite taste in options. I can only imagine the analysis paralysis I would have experienced had I gone the route of building.  I always feel grateful that someone else did some of the heavy lifting there.

Have you owned other Porsches?

KZ: I have not – this is my first, and it’s been magical so far. 

Aside from your Boxster, is there a dream Porsche you’d like to own someday? 

KZ: Obviously, the Boxster Spyder.

Can you tell us about a notable drive or road trip in your Boxster? 

KZ: I relish the everyday happenings in the car. I drive it daily. I’ve been known to make excuses to get espresso to take it out of the garage. So Porsche ownership has been a truly fun and highly caffeinated experience for me.

What is your favorite Porsche or PCA-related experience? 

KZ: Two years ago, I spent my birthday with an incredible GT3 rental from Ottoline Motorsports. I refer to that day as a gateway drug to Porsche ownership because I drove the car all through the Austin countryside with some memorable destinations for BBQ and coffee breaks. I didn’t realize it until I got back home, but I drove the car for 6 hours and definitely exceeded the daily mileage allotment. Whoops.

What PCA or car-related activities do you enjoy or look forward to participating in? 

KZ: At some point, I would love to get involved in a track day. So far, it’s been great meeting other members here in the Austin area.

Member Profile is a recurring column featuring our members and their ownership stories by Communications Chair and Horizons Associate Editor Jonathan Haggar.